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1 / 30

Which cell stop dividing after birth ?
जन्म के बाद कौनसी कोशिका का विभाजन रूक जाता है :

2 / 30

Which cell-organellae absent in neurons ?
न्यूरॉन में कौनसा कोशिकांग अनुपस्थित होता है :

3 / 30

Myelin sheath covers which of the following ?
माइलिन आवरण निम्नलिखित में से किसे ढकता है

4 / 30

Function of nervous tissue is :-
तन्त्रिका उत्तक का कार्य है

5 / 30

Sheath of schwann occurs on :-
'श्वान की आच्छद" निम्न में से किस रचना पर पायी जाती है:

6 / 30

"Nodes of Ranviers" are found in :-
"रेन्वियर की घुण्डी' पायी जाती है

7 / 30

Integrative system in the body are :-
शरीर के समाकलित तन्त्र होते हैं :

8 / 30

Afferent nerve fiber conducts impulse from :-
एफेरेन्ट तंत्रिका तन्तु आवेग को ले जाता है

9 / 30

Which of the following statement is correct for node of Ranvier of nerve ?
तंत्रिका की रेन्वियर की पर्वसंधि के लिये निम्न में से कौनसा कथन सही है :

10 / 30

Nerve cells do not possess -
तंत्रिका कोशिकाओं में नहीं पाया जाता

11 / 30

Which one of the following types of neurons are most numerous in the body :-
शरीर में सर्वाधिक संख्या में पाये जाने वाले न्यूरॉन्स हैं :

12 / 30

Myelinogenesis (Myelin formation) process occur in C.N.S. (central nervous system)
माइलिन आच्छद बनने की क्रिया केन्द्रीय तंत्रिका तंत्र में होती है

13 / 30

Rapid integration of the functional activities in human is acheieved by :-
मनुष्य के शरीर की विभिन्न क्रियाओं का शीघ्र इन्टीग्रेशन होता है :

14 / 30

GABA (gama amino butyric acid) is a :-
"गाबा (GABA-गामा अमीनो ब्यूटिरिक अम्ल) है

15 / 30

The nerve cell can be distinguished from other cells of the body by the presence of :-
किसकी उपस्थिति से तन्त्रिका कोशिका को शरीर की अन्य कोशिकाओं से अलग पहचाना जा सकता है

16 / 30

The parts of the neurons that perform basic cellular functions such as protein synthesis etc. :–
न्यूरॉन के वह भाग जो प्रारम्भिक कोशिकीय कार्यों जैसे प्रोटीन संश्लेषण करते हैं, वह है :

17 / 30

The nervous system is derived from :-
तन्त्रिका तन्त्र का विकास होता है।

18 / 30

The Schwann sheath is :-
श्वान आच्छद क्या है :

19 / 30

Intercellular communication in multicellular organism occurs through -
बहुकोशिकीय जन्तुओं में अंतरकोशिकीय संचरण किसके द्वारा होता है ?

20 / 30

Unit of nervous system :-
तन्त्रिका तन्त्र की ईकाई होती है :

21 / 30

The gray matter differs from white matter in the :-
धूसर द्रव्य श्वेत द्रव्य से इस बात में भिन्न है कि इसमें

22 / 30

Nerve fibres are surrounded by an insulating fatty layer called :-
तन्त्रिका तन्तुओं के चारों ओर पाई पाई जाने वाली वसीय अवरोधक पर्त कहलाती है :

23 / 30

Nissl granules occur in which part and what is their function ?
निस्सल कणिका कहाँ होती है तथा इनका क्या कार्य है :

24 / 30

Which cell in our body is more than a feet long ?
हमारे शरीर की कौनसी कोशिका एक फुट तक लम्बी होती है

25 / 30

Non Myelinated axons differ from myelinated in that they :-
माइलिन आच्छद विहीन एक्सॉन माइलिन आच्छद युक्त एक्सॉन से विभिन्नतायें रखते हैं क्यों कि उनमें :

26 / 30

In which animal, nerve cell is present but brain is absent ?
किस जन्तु में तंत्रिका कोशिका होती है, लेकिन मस्तिष्क अनुपस्थित होता है :

27 / 30

If myelin sheath is continuous in myelinated nerve fibre than what will happens in neuronal conduction?
यदि माइलिन आच्छद युक्त तंत्रिका रेशे में माइलिन आच्छद निरन्तर कर दी जाये तो तंत्रिकीय संवहन में क्या घटित होगा

28 / 30

The “Nissle's granules” of nerve cell's are made up of :-
तंत्रिका कोशिका में पाये जाने वाले "निसल कण" बने होते है

29 / 30

The nerves leading to the central nervous system are called :-
तन्त्रिकायें जो केन्द्रिय तन्त्रिका तन्त्र में जाती हैं, कहलाती हैं:

30 / 30

Nissl's bodies found in neurons are :-
न्यूरॉन में पाये जाने वाली "निस्सल काय होती है

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The average score is 56%


Benefits Of Taking NEET Mock Test Series

Taking Aaj Ka Topper NEET Mock Test can help you in multiple ways:

(1) Sitting for long hours with your attention and stamina intact is not an easy task. Students need regular practice and develop their concentration and stamina. This is possible by solving NEET sample papers on a regular basis.
(2) Preparing for a competitive entrance exam is not easy. You must get used to the different levels of questions asked in the exam. Here the NEET online tests can help you in gearing up for the actual exam.
(3) Students must be aware of the chapters and concepts which are frequently asked in the exam. If you take NEET previous year tests on Aaj Ka Topper, you will be aware of all these.
(4) If you take these free online mock test series you will know where exactly you are standing and what are your weak chapters and concepts.
(5) It will also help you analyze your performance like where you are making mistakes and how much time you are taking to solve the paper.
(6) It will help you to identify your areas of improvement.
(7) You need to develop a proper strategy to take the exam so that your accuracy is maximum and you can finish the paper on time. This is possible only when you take a sufficient number of mock tests.

Neet Mock Test 2021: The National Testing Agency (NTA) has announced the NEET 2021 exam date. NEET 2021 exam will be conducted on August 1st, 2021, through pen and paper-based mode. NTA will soon release the NEET syllabus along with the NEET 2021 information brochure. NEET is the only medical entrance exam in India. Taking the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test Mock Test Series will definitely help students cracking the exam with better scores.

NEET Online Mock Test Series helps students in many ways, such as getting a real-time exam feeling, improving their time management, etc. In this article, we will provide you with all the necessary information regarding NEET Mock Test 2021. Read on to find out how to take the free NEET Mock Test Series.

Free Online NEET Mock Test Series

NEET exam and its preparation require proper planning and diligence. India’s best data scientists have analyzed the NEET previous year question papers on various parameters like the difficulty level, syllabus coverage, ideal time for each question, repetitive nature of concepts, etc., and have created these online mock tests.

At Aaj Ka Topper, you can take these NEET Mock Test for FREE! Subject matter experts and data scientists formulate these tests after careful study of the recent years’ trends in the NEET Previous Year Papers. No stone has been left unturned in ensuring that each NEET mock test on Aaj Ka Topper is similar to the actual exam in every aspect-difficulty level, ideal time, type of questions, etc. Not just this, Aaj Ka Topper very own Advanced Feedback Analysis helps you critically improve on your test-taking ability so that you can score well in your exams.

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